《泰坦創世紀》的死亡騎士卡牌「黑爾雅 」,效果描述中的『永無止盡』為錯誤成語,正確應為『永無止境』,煩請改正,感謝。
Hello!!!, do you have a legendary card from the new Gepetto addon in your collection? Can you play a friendly match with me so I can complete the quest?
《泰坦創世紀》的死亡騎士卡牌「黑爾雅 」,效果描述中的『永無止盡』為錯誤成語,正確應為『永無止境』,煩請改正,感謝。
Hello!!!, do you have a legendary card from the new Gepetto addon in your collection? Can you play a friendly match with me so I can complete the quest?