Nega Nebulus, an Alliance guild on the server 語風 (Whisperwind) is recruiting english speaking players for Shadowlands. We regularly run mythic plus dungeons and the goal is to achieve Ahead of the Curve (AOTC) in each raid tier.
All types of players are welcome and if you’re interested you can find Nega Nebulus in the “Guild Finder” or if you have questions you can add me on Bnet at Kejai#21145 or on Discord at Kejai#4118.
Come join the fun
語風 (Whisperwind) is connected to these servers:
眾星之子 (Quel’dorei)
暗影之月 (Shadowmoon)
冰風崗哨 (Chillwind Point)
寒冰皇冠 (Icecrown)
尖石 (Spirestone)
阿薩斯 (Arthas)
地獄吼 (Hellscream)
狂熱之刃 (Zealot Blade)
2 個讚
Shameless bumb, still room for more people :)
Hi, do you guys do any PvP at all? Nothing serious, just messing around in rated 2s arena for conquest cap. Also, what is the size of the guild?
Asking because I am new to the TW server and would like to find an English speaking guild. I am currently leveling a Horde character on 日落沼澤 (Sundown Marsh) but tempted to transfer realms and to Ally to have people to play with.
We have few who mess around with pvp daily, right now we have around 14-17 active members who does mythic dungeons.
On paper we have 2/3/9 composition for raiding. But there is room for more people.
Also we use discord to talk quite a lot during the day and mythic runs. If you are interested you can make a character and scout before making a decision
Hello, are you guys still active? thinking of coming back to wow(used to play on NA servers but latency was unbearable hence checking out TW servers)
Hi Xeras, Nega Nebulus is still active with more and more members being added. Come check us out if you haven’t already joined up
Hey, thanks for the reply - what classes/roles you’re looking for? since I’ll have to start from scratch - might as well roll something useful
Hi Xeras … tanks/healers are always nice to have around, but we are semi-casual and encourage people to play what they enjoy playing and we’ll try to work around it
An update to more contact information: contact Seri and/or Adoboflakes on Discord at Doushi#0372 or Adoboflakes#8003 for more information. Thanks and all are welcome
We’re active for Dragonflight! Feel free to get in touch with me for more info, Luxis#31155, all welcome
1 個讚
Hi there, may I ask are you still looking for English players? I’m looking for one right now