A new beggining 8.2 RAID

My name is Allan, I have been living in Taiwan for around 10 years and get my self again into WoW like two years ago. I have been playing WoW since Vanilla but started raiding only at Lich King. I used to Raid for an Aeria Peak guild (USA server). After finishing all LK content I moved to Taiwan and quit the game for like 8 years, as I said I’m back, and I would like to raid Taiwan servers as I used to do before, nothing to much hardcore but at least 3-4 times a week 2/3 hours a day.
I am looking for players who would like to get into this new content with me, qualified players with the same goal, Azshara head. If you are interested please leave a comment.

哈囉大家好,我是來自巴西的費艾倫,我住台灣住快十年了。兩年前又進入了魔獸世界了。從魔獸的第一版開時玩了, 曾經在美服公會打團, 完成所有LK內容後我就搬到台灣了並退出遊戲8年。目前想要辦新公會來突襲決戰艾澤拉斯,想要找和我一起進入這個新內容的完家跟我有一樣的目標,就是一直進步,一個禮拜至少打3-4天每天打至少兩三小時。如果您有興趣請留言。

1 個讚

Guild “ I raid I don’t get raid “ are recruiting english speaking members to join us for raid primarily. My friends and i consist of 7 people are very active and we’re looking for more members for future mythic raiding. We’re all playing in 暗影之夜 aka shadowmoon server on alliance. Pm me “cyntia” ign or u can simply direct msg me here. Thanks you.