《暗黑破壞神 II:獄火重生》更新檔 2.5 測試—恐懼領域現已登場

《暗黑破壞神 II:獄火重生》更新檔 2.5 測試—恐懼領域現已登場

進一步瞭解我們的實驗性特色「恐懼領域」—這是《暗黑破壞神 II:獄火重生》在更新檔 2.5 測試所追加、充滿惡魔能量且處處致命的全新區域。


1 個讚



或許也可以舉辦誰先打到 2.5天梯限定裝備活動~~

A suggestion about a new special game room (in order to help online player get a place for himself with higher pp numbers, but not 1 pp.)

  1. Why this is important?
    In online game, it’s quite hard for one to keep playing on certain place with a higher pp numbers. For example, a lot of players want to play in ‘Chaos’ of ACT4 or ‘cow farm’ of ACT1, but the sad story is that there is only one Chaos in one game room. We may abuse or fight each other for it, which is often happened in my recent games. This really makes players harder to play comfortably because many time lose in finding a suitable room. But even in this room, you cannot make sure the newcomers won’t rob your place.
  2. How to deal with it?
    I strongly suggest that there should be a special game room which has five ACT but the same one ACT. One room has 5 ACT1 or 5 ACT4, etc., which can be choosed by players. The advantage of doing this is we can easily recuit players with the same interests. Five players can get a good place with 5 pp. A really good pp! So five can be the max player number of the special room. No one will rob others’ place. They are all happy. They can have the same or similar pace in playing. BTW, if you game developers can easily creat a room with 8 ACTs, so why not?
    A Chinese player

你有考慮過安亞的小心臟嗎 :joy: