Overwatch 競技對戰加入戰局時無預警套用更新,歷時超過十分鐘依舊無法正常進行。



2023/04/27 下午07:33 排到戰局 下午07:42分加入後,正在套用更新,下午8:16還在「正在套用更新」。

Explain to me, what are u updating for? How to deal with it and the compensation?

Show the files and screenshots to the person in charge of maintenance.

Every time, u require players the detial of computer imformation and some else. After that? No response.

2023/04/27 07:33 pm waiting for a battle. after joining at 07:42 pm, then starting to update. wtf ?? dude, i am in a rank game.

now 8:16 pm, still “applying the update”.

1 個讚
