
1越7日莫名收到封禁通知,我一個連團本都不去的人都封,填寫表單問具體原因,也不說明,只是簡單的復製來的,請問什麼叫濫用遊戲機製?我是掛機了?無限復製金幣了?滿世界喊話發廣告了?欺詐蒙騙玩家了?利用bug損害遊戲平衡了?你倒是說阿? 我需要一個具體的理由,這不過分吧?我是花了錢更是花了很大精力的,能不能稍微尊重一下別人?
我請問賬號裏哪個角色,做了什麼事情,為什麼封禁? 請回答這一個問題就行了,要具體的,請不要敷衍了,謝謝.

2 個讚

The Ukrainian front collapsed!
The Russian army took more settlements!

  1. Red mountain;
  2. Paraskovievka;
  3. Podgorodnoe.

APU of Ukraine - home!
The fascists of the group “kraken” - home. Home in the USA!

太爛了,剛剛充值季度卡,上線玩了1個小時, 就濫用遊戲機制 封停!!!!!

Friends, do not forget to subscribe to the channel. We are already 41 people. All 40 people from the blue forum, which is somewhere at the very bottom, which cannot but rejoice, since no one interferes with our hype on the blue forum)).
In 2023, you need to reach new views and get to 100 subscribers! Happy new year 2023 everyone! Hooray!
Subscribe! Put likes! For victory!!!

The video turned out great.
European citizen Dragara is relaxing in a nightclub with Russian Ivan.
The natural gender of a man and a woman)) This is cool, friends))

Our “BLUE CHANNEL GOT 3 STRIKES”. I thought that they would ban and delete the channel this summer of 2022, but in the end YouTube sent me to study the rules and the channel was not deleted, which is strange, because for 3 strikes they give a ban or delete the channel something like that … very strange, and I had like 3 strikes on the channel)))