对于暴雪种族歧视胡乱封禁玩家 本人的申明以及解封诉求具体描述(中英双语)

The English content is below the Chinese content
严正申诉账号(ID: MinoriJYMA #2549)误封事件,要求48小时内提供完整证据链并解封



  1. “举报即定罪”是暴雪现行审核准则?

  2. 审核过程是否存在人工干预?

  3. 为何回避玩家申诉?



  • 若24小时内未收到可验证的完整封禁证据(包括但不限于具体违规时间、行为类型、数据抓取记录),将视为暴雪恶意侵害消费者权益。
  • 自本邮件发送起,每超时1天未解决,本人将通过[当地消费者保护机构/游戏仲裁委员会/小额法庭]同步发起投诉,并保留集体诉讼权利。
  • 所有沟通记录将公开至社交媒体及游戏论坛,邀请全球玩家共同评判贵司的“傲慢与无能”。



Serious appeal against the wrongful account suspension (ID: MinoriJYMA #2549), demanding the provision of a complete chain of evidence within 48 hours and the account’s immediate unblocking.

Blizzard “Customer Service” Team:

I received your company’s so-called “permanent ban” notice on February 4, 2025. The reason given was merely “reported for violating the user agreement”. This one-size-fits-all decision-making logic is astonishing!
If your company still claims to be an international gaming company, please immediately respond to the following questions:

Is “report equals conviction” the current review standard of Blizzard? If your employees can read, please turn to Article X of the User Agreement

  • bans should be based on objective evidence of violations, not the speculation of an anonymous reporter. Which of my login IPs, chat records, or game data triggered a real violation? Dare you to publicly release the backend logs?
  1. Is there any human intervention in the review process?
    From receiving the report to implementing the ban, does your company’s “automated culling system” complete the “investigation” in just 3 seconds? If human employees are involved,
    please provide their employee numbers and review records. Otherwise, I have the right to suspect that your company is abusing AI to ban accounts to save costs, which constitutes fraudulent service!

  2. Why Avoid Player Appeals?
    Previously, the ticket (number: 22105128) from Taiwan was mechanically replied with “violation of game rules” and “revocation of account membership”, and even refused to be transferred to a senior customer service representative.
    Does this mean that Blizzard has abandoned its basic corporate responsibility and unilaterally declared “players are slaves”?
    What does it mean to violate game rules? Which rule was violated? What evidence is there to prove that I violated the rules?
    As a top 500 player who has been on the leaderboard for two seasons, all my words and actions are based on the hope of creating a better gaming environment, better lineups, and better experiences for teammates.
    If there were any verbal conflicts with other players, it was only in response to their insults towards me. I never initiated attacks on other players.
    If you want to ban my account, please provide evidence and the fact that the player who attacked me has also been permanently banned. If you can’t, I will consider this as racial discrimination against Chinese region players and take legal action to solve the problem.

I solemnly declare:

  • If I do not receive verifiable and complete evidence of the ban (including but not limited to the specific time of violation, type of behavior, and data capture records) within 24 hours, it will be regarded as malicious infringement of consumer rights by Blizzard.
  • From the time this email is sent, for each additional day that the issue remains unresolved, I will simultaneously file a complaint through [local consumer protection agencies/game arbitration committees/small claims courts] and reserve the right to file a class action lawsuit.
  • All communication records will be made public on social media and game forums, inviting players worldwide to jointly judge your company’s “arrogance and incompetence”.

Finally, we would like to remind your company: players are the bread and butter of Blizzard, not beggars. If you continue to trample on the dignity of users, what awaits you will be a collapse in reputation and a loss of users - this final nail in the coffin will be driven in by your own hands.

Unfreeze immediately! Otherwise, see you in court!

2 個讚