Terrible Lag After Patch 8.1

us forums blizzard com/en/wow/t/terrible-lag-after-patch-8-1/49203

原本是想在原串回應, 因為他們跟我遇到狀況最相似, 但在US服我
並沒有10級角色, 如果有誰能告知一下他們就好了
I wamt to reply the original post, because encounted same
issue. But i havn’t Lv10 Char in US Server. If someone can
quote this post or tell them info as well

imgur com/a/eZ7uwjQ

登入角色後>Ctrl Alt Del叫出工作管理>右鍵Wow.exe>親和性>
Login Char>Ctrl Alt Del call TaskManager>RightClick Wow.exe>
Click the option like picture>Select All CPU

那樣我這是上馬 讀取地圖 物品圖示都回覆到一秒內, 像8.0時正常
Do that can make mount, loading map, item icon within
one second, return 8.0 normal status