關於遊戲體驗 標題為什麼要15個字?


越改越爛是事實 每次都說公平配對 現在真的很公平 兩個輔助 都在對面 兩個坦 都在對面 反正給你們兩個就好 配在哪都不失公平 對吧 馬的每次改版最怕看到的就是配對系統這四個字 馬的改回去可以嗎


Support team never look into replay and ban misbehaved players.
Is Blizzard team even doing job to stop misbehaved players?
Kind of sad to see game giant fall down so quick and not listening to players feedback and comments…

4 out of 5 team members are AFK, and blizzard support is not doing job to stop misbehaved players!!!4 out of 5 team members are AFK, and blizzard support is not doing job to stop misbehaved players!!!4 out of 5 team members are AFK, and blizzard support is not doing job to stop misbehaved players!!!4 out of 5 team members are AFK, and blizzard support is not doing job to stop misbehaved players!!!4 out of 5 team members are AFK, and blizzard support is not doing job to stop misbehaved players!!!4 out of 5 team members are AFK, and blizzard support is not doing job to stop misbehaved players!!!