即時修正說明 - 2019 年 10 月 2 日




  • 菁英牛頭大佬的群雄熱舞在施法期間將能夠被控場技能打斷。


  • 修正了某些坐騎與隱形英雄同時使用會造成遊戲錯誤的問題。

4 out of 5 team members are AFK, and blizzard support is not doing job to stop misbehaved players!!!4 out of 5 team members are AFK, and blizzard support is not doing job to stop misbehaved players!!!4 out of 5 team members are AFK, and blizzard support is not doing job to stop misbehaved players!!!

4 out of 5 team members are AFK, and blizzard support is not doing job to stop misbehaved players!!!4 out of 5 team members are AFK, and blizzard support is not doing job to stop misbehaved players!!!